Before I start this post I just want to say thanks for all your sensible and helpful comments on the last post. I have definitely stopped worrying and I’m looking forward to my knitting group tomorrow.
I’ve been tagged for two memes so I thought I’d do one big post and deal with both of them at once. I like memes, I mean in all honesty who doesn’t like talking about themselves!
All about me part 1!Five secrets about me that have not been mentioned on my blog before. I was tagged by
Lara , by the way if you haven’t read her blog you should because she is an amazing knitter, she has always just finished something I’ve been wanting to knit. Anyway here are the rules of the meme:
Get tagged
List five things that have not been revealed on my blog
Tag other people
1. I have a degree in Biochemistry.
2. I have a Lancastrian accent but I have never lived in Lancashire. I grew up in the South West of England but both my parents are from the North and so I somehow absorbed the accent. My older brother didn’t pick it up though.
3. I can lick my elbow. I read somewhere that this is physically impossible but I can do it! I’m so proud - give it a try!
4. I still have a teddy bear. He is imaginatively called Big Ted. My brother and I were always disappointingly literal when it came to naming our toys. There was Big Ted, Medium Ted , Tiny Ted and Red Dog.
5. I have an over-developed sense of justice… By this I mean that I just can’t stop myself ‘giving a piece of my mind’ to people spraying graffiti, chasing after shoplifters, and once when someone threw litter out of their car window picking it up and throwing it back in. This drives my husband and family mad as they are sure that one day my one-woman campaign will come to a sorry end.
All about me part 2.The next meme is something I know a lot of you will enjoy thinking about - list 5 books that played an important role in your childhood and explain why. Then tag 5 people to do this. I was tagged by
Brahdelt (Joanna) another very talented lady, who has some great free patterns on her blog!
Anne of Green Gables by L. M. Montgomery- This has to come top for me as I loved Anne when I was little (I still love her now to be honest). The books are still so readable and relevant nowadays and I shared so many of the same dreams as Anne did. Plus there was the lovely Gilbert Blythe…
Teddy Robinson - Joan G Robinson. I love this book, just looking at the cover of my very old copy makes me remember my Mum reading me this as a bedtime story. My Mum did the best bedtime stories ever - with all the voices.
3. The Witches by
Roald Dahl. I never got over this book after being read it when I was little. It petrified me. I still am slightly suspicious of women wearing gloves…
4. Anything by
P.G. Wodehouse. I read P.G. Wodehouse while I was still very little and it was the first time I realised that adult’s books told stories too. Before that I’d always thought that adults only read non-fiction. I can remember the excitement when I realised the huge expanse of stories that was out there just waiting to be read.
The Brothers Grimm. I loved their fairy tales as a child and I still do.
If they are still reading after all that, I am going to tag,
Nat ,
Jose ,
Dreamcatcher and
Emmms - you can do whichever meme you like or neither if it isn’t your cup of tea. If I haven’t tagged you and you’d like to do it please consider yourself tagged!