Free wool...

I recently passed my first blogversary. I did my first real post on the 2nd of March last year and since then I have done 83 posts in total. I never realised how much fun this would be and how many lovely people I would meet online. I think that one of the main reasons knitting has become such a passion for me is the sense of community and belonging it has given me. It is so nice to have met so many people who share the same interests as me, both through various blogs and my knitting group.

In order to celebrate my first blogging year I’m giving away some yarn. The prize has an organic theme to it: -

-a skein of Helena 4-ply (pure organic merino - 360 yards) from Posh Yarn in the colourway Drama;
- a box of bite size Green and Blacks organic chocolates (milk, dark and white); and
- a little set of Annarella stitch markers - not organic but very pretty!

The yarn is gorgeous . The colours are just beautiful and I’m sure will look stunning knitted up. It is so soft that I am having difficulty resisting stroking it too much. I was very good last Sunday as I knew I wanted to buy something for a prize so I went straight on the Posh Yarn website and just bought this - nothing else! How impressive is my willpower!

Anyway, all you have to do to win the yarn is leave a comment on this post. I will do a draw on the 25th of March. Don’t worry about where you are in the world, I’m sure I’ll find a way of posting it to you!

By the way, one of my friends from my knitting group (Kate) has a new blog. She is lovely, the blog is great and she has some good photos of her knitting up there (including a really great Knitty Calorimetry). So please pop over and say hello if you get a chance. I’ve been telling her how nice you all are.


artyfartykat said...

Happy belated blogaversary!
What a wonderful prize! The yarn and stitch markers look fab, but the chocolate looks even fabbier! :)

Ambermoggie, a fragrant soul said...

happy blogaversary it gts addctve doesn't it?

Sarah said...

Happy birthday to the blog - like you I think that knitting has become such an all consuming passion because of all the added extras that the knitting community brings. It's such a great world to be part of.

Lovely looking pressies by the way - good willpower indeed - I'd have bought more yarn and eaten the chocs by now!

stacyZ said...

Happy blogaversary!!!!

I cannot believe your willpower. I always get enough for the shipping when I get my SP LOL, but I have been good hmmm

Susanne said...

I haven't been reading your blog for very long but I do enjoy all your posts. Congratulations on your anniversary!

Betty said...

Happy Birthday Blog!

Anonymous said...

congratulations on your first blogiversary!!

you definitely have more willpower than i when it comes to shopping at posh yarns. practically *everything* that dee sells is gorgeous and i can never decide what i want to buy.

Anonymous said...

Happy blog anniversary.
It's been a joy to read.

jane said...

happy blogaversary! Thanks for all your lovely posts. Look forward to reading more (and more reading blog too!) in your second year of blogdom. :) J

KarenK said...

Congratulations on the blogiversary! Just dropping in to let you know that I am so grateful to you for posting the lovely Gerda Stole pattern, and I will send you a photo of it when it is finished.

Seahorse said...

Happy blogversary! I too have been amazed and delighted at how much fun and friendship blogging has brought me.

That's a really generous prize :)

Lara said...

Happy Blogaversary! It amazing how something you love and add so much to your life. Knitting does the same for me to in many different ways. When I started blogging I had no idea how much I would love it and how many amazing women and knitters I would meet.

Unknown said...

happy blogiversay!

i am so glad you started blogging because i really enjoy reading your posts.

mmmmmm green & blacks! yum - my favourite!

Frankie said...

What a sweet, generous and excellent idea. I was interviewed last week about my knitting blog by someone doing an academic project on e-innovations. I told him I didn't think I would have persisted as a knitting beginner without blogland and the encouragement and inspiration I've had from other bloggers.
Happy anniversery!

Kate said...

Happy blogaversary! You have a wonderful blog Kendra and I am not saying that because you mentioned me! But thank you for the plug.

José said...

I forgot that it was my blogversary in February ... i was totally caught up with not being able to knit, tha i totally forgot!!

Happy blogversary Kendra and thank you for posting on my blog, i think you are the only one now :(

TutleyMutley said...

Happy Blogiversary Kendra! I don't deserve to win any draw as I've only just chanced on your blog - there are just soooo many knitting blogs our there now!
But what a good idea!
Off to peruse the rest of your blog now.

acrylik said...

Happy Blogaversary!

What a generous prize - I was coveting that particular skein on the preview, but as I'm on my stash diet, I made sure I was away from the computer when the sale went up ;)

It is a wonderful community we have here, fantastic to see what everyone is up to and to share ideas.

Brahdelt said...

Happy bloggiversary!!!
And I'm writing my comment exactly on MY first bloggiversary, too! *^v^*

KeanaLee said...


Anonymous said...

Happy Blogiversary to you! Here's to many more!

Unknown said...

I need to check and see how long I've been doing it also! I'm glad that you've had such fun with the blog. I really enjoy it also, and feel so fortunate to have so many people like you that I've been able to be in contact with! I hope you have a wonderful day!

Anonymous said...

I really enjoy your blog and I think the Gerda stole is amazing. Also loving the Celtic Knot pattern - and hoping it too will be shared with us lucky readers.

blog-blethers said...

Happy Blogaversary. Kendra, and what a kind and generous way of celebrating it! Isn't it strange how today we've both been struck by that sense of community and belonging with knitters across the world ... and of how much these contacts have enriched our lives! Here's to busy needles and blogging over the coming year...

Anonymous said...

happy blogiversary...i love the lace pattern you have posted - it's beautiful!

José said...

Thank you sooo much for the kind words Kendra. I too have really enjoyed reading your blog and always revel in reading a new post. Heres to another year!

Ellie said...

Happy Blogiversary! I love the idea of sharing something for a one-year celebration :-)

Jodi said...

Happy blogaversary! What a lovely and luxurious prize you have selected. I really like the mermaid drawing on your banner, BTW.

knitseashore said...

Happy belated blogiversary! I always look forward to reading your posts. It's been a joy to get to know you, and I'll be forever grateful for your introducing me to "I dream of the Sea." :)

I will go over now and introduce myself to Kate!

ikkinlala said...

Happy (belated) blogiversary!

Reuss said...

Happy belated Blogaversary! I am also a fairly new reader, but love your posts.

gilraen said...

Happy blogaversary! The yarn looks fabulous!! How can you part with it? :)

marias23 said...

Happy Birthday! I think chocolate and yarn are the best pairing ever, don't you?

KeanaLee said...

HEY it's my blogiversary too! I am giving gifts too! Come see me

Susanne said...

Hi, wonder if it is just me but I don't seem to be able to download the pdf file for the gorgeous shawl on your sidebar. Can you enlighten me if it is a "live link"?? thanks so much.

Pig wot flies said...

Whoo. Happy blogoversary! I will admit to being an occasioanl lurker, lured out to comment by the possibility of chocolate.

Rebecca said...

oh yippee! happy blogversary.

Anonymous said...

I'm in! Nothing like a contest to wake up the blogging world eh? Happy Blogversary!!

gilfling said...

Happy blogaversary! I have loved seeing your projects as they have developed and every time I read that wee quote at the top of the page just pulls at my heart strings as I am not longer as close to the sea as I used to be, but miss it so much!!

I am fairly new to knitting and have still to pluck up the courage to join a knitting group but I am so inspired by all the wonderful blogs out there.


Bekky said...

Happy blogversary

I really want to start my own as I am addicted to reading knitting type blogs and everybody seems to have such fun doing it!

Bekky said...

Happy blogversary

I really want to start my own as I am addicted to reading knitting type blogs and everybody seems to have such fun doing it!

Bekky said...

oooo sorry - I don't seem to have the hang of this yet and managed to post twice :( sorry again!

Anonymous said...

I'm new to your blog and your lace knitting is inspirational! Thanks for sharing the Gerda pattern!

I? said...

Hi Kendra! I knew you were lurking there - in the space and I was reminded of it as soon as I saw the message in my inbox... Thanks for keeping an eye on my, hmmm hmm, rather abandoned blog (I'm terrible and I blame it on not enough hours in the day!) How wonderful - ONE year in the knitting blogland! And such a talented and kind knitter you are. I am very privilged to have made your acquaintance AND you will be one of the first people to get an invite to my spring knitting party, so that we can chat more and maybe even swap some techniques? :) HAPPY BLOGAVERSARY XX

Anonymous said...

Happy blogaversary! That's such a good idea, what an awesome way to celebrate. I should do that... No, I correct myself: EVERYONE should do that!

Here's to another year x

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! There isn't really a knitting community where I live (despite Oxford being full of arty students) and your blog is a constant source of encouragement and inspiration. Long may it continue!

Hanne-Maria Leppäranta said...

I'm a long time lurker - I found here when Dee posted about your Gerda stole, it's gorgeous!

Artis-Anne said...

Happy Bloganiversary :)
Sorry I am out of touch with folks lately as Blogroll has not been working when I thought it was !!
I too find that since blogging it has given me a greater incentive to make more and it also is such fun to see what others are up to & I really enjoy reading your blog

SueJ said...

Happy Blogaversary.I have some way to go to reach one year but it is wonderful the links that are created by blogging that reach around the world.

dreamcatcher said...

Happy Blogiversary Kendra, it has been lovely reading your blog over the past year :-) What a great prize you are offering too!

K said...

Happy Blogaversary!

I'm a Kendra too...

Anonymous said...

Happy blog birthday - the yarn looks great as does the chocky.\Ilove your blog from start to finish !

Kath said...

Happy Belated Blogiversary! And many more! I agree that we are so lucky to have such a friendly and supportive network of fellow bloggers out there to encourage us. I love your current lace project and can't wait to see how it blocks out. You'll be joining the VLT KAL soon I suppose!

Sandy B said...

Happy 'versary! Gee...I'll have to look see when my first 'versary will be! Great pics of yarn and knits, what eveery knitter really likes to see! I just learned of posh yarn, and found your blog in their links. how cool!

Sue said...

Happy Blogiversary to you! I love contests, and your prizes look so nice. You must have been very restrained when you ordered the yarn to only buy one. I know I would have lost my willpower seeing such lovely yarn to buy.

Hawkesley said...

A BIG congratulations to you on your first Blogiversary!!

Anonymous said...

Happy anniversary, have just found you but hope I'm still reading it next year!

Tonni said...

Happy blogaversary! The yarn you are giving away is just gorgeous!

Anonymous said...

Happy Blogaversary!

Nicole said...

i, too, dream of the sea. at least where i am now, i have lake michigan--though it's no match for the pacific!

happy blogaversary!

Lucie said...

Your knitting is beautiful. I am going to try knitting your lace pattern.
Happy blogaversary!


Unknown said...

what a wonderful way to celebrate such a creative and welcome place to visit. best wishes for many years to come!

catpurls420 said...

Love the idea of giving for no reason other than a blogversary! the celtic knot shawl is awesome..
Thinking of a way to convert the "knots into a wallhanging or afghan but in crochet. I need to quit thinking so much.. Catpurls