It doesn’t matter what you look like…..

Someone will love you.
I’ve been feeling unattractive recently: my clothes were all too tight, my hair is dry and my skin is bad. But today my Monkey took me out and bought me some lovely maternity clothes and then we went out for coffee and cake and now life is very, very good again. But really I know that it doesn’t matter that I’m not looking my best at the moment because he loves me anyway!
By the way I have given in and signed up for the mystery stole 3. My yarn is on its way. I just NEEDED to knit lace. Plus doing something like this will get me back knitting more again as I’ll want to keep up with everyone else.
And does anyone know of a (free?) cardigan pattern that I could use some Rowan Calmer for?
Glad to hear you are feeling chirpier again now. I've missed you lately. Hope you find a nice pattern for the Calmer, I've not tried that yarn (yet :o))and I hope that the stole is fun.
I found lots of nice patterns for cardigans at this site:
I think that patterns using silke or silke tweed might be compatible with Calmer. Have fun!
Oops, sorry about that, I see that the comments box cut off part of that url for the garnstudio site. Here's a shorter link to the home page:
I never felt that I was 'blooming' during my pregnancies either but I'll tell you what, every single pregnant woman I've ever seen looks beautiful to me! I know you are too.
It's lovely to hear that you're geting some pampering :)
I hope you feel brighter soon. the Mystery Shawl will keep you busy, it looks hard to me.
GOSH I know how you feel, I feel like a fat blob! I bought some maternity clothes yesterday myself. The thing is with your first kid you don't start to show until like 4 months, but any kid after that & it's like WHOOMP, your stomach is there at 8 weeks. I feel your pain.
I know exactly how you feel....however, I am sure Monkey thinks you look beautiful. I am glad you two had a nice day and that you are feeling better!
you can also look here:
What a sweet man to take you out and cheer you up! He's definitely a keeper. Good luck with the stole and cardigan.
I love it when you knit lace. And I think you're looking lovely: big brown eyes, tanned skin, cheery smile ;)
It is difficult when your body is doing funny things and it all seems out of your control! Women have alllll the luck....;-P. Look forward to seeing to how the shawl comes out. You do such lovely lace!
Never mind Kendra, before you know it you will look fabulous with the little bun in the tummy. The beginning part of pregnancy is the most difficult, but once you really start to show, you will look smashing!
How many balls of Calmer do you have? I will check my patterns for you when you let me know. You can email me at divaATdivamaggieDOTcom if you want to.
What's the old song 'love is all you need ' There that shows my age :)but its so true but I do know how you feel even if I am not pregnant LOL ,my steroid bloat is getting me down too at the mo.
It will all be worth it for you though when the 'little one' arrives .
Glad to see you are back to your lace knitting as you must be the 'Queen of Lace' in my opinion
What kind of cardie pattern are you looking for -- is it for you or the unborn? Would any of Ysolda's patterns work with it?
Actually, check out Katie Knits (, she is rather fab after all.
awww I so know how you feel. Glad to hear Monkey is spoiling you.
Take care
You'll be looking stunningly blooming before you know it!
And all those people were putting their hands on the badger booty, which was fine by me. When you're a glossy badger like me, people find it hard to keep their hands to themselves.
Try this one:
Think blooming and you will fell blooming marvellous! Been there recently so I know how you feel.
Awww, its a tough time, but trust me, it IS worth it all in the end!
May you bloom soon.
Hope the lace therapy is working. In any case I'm sure you'll soon be feeling much better, if you're not already. You're man sounds lovely - the gingerbread man looks very nice too!
Great to hear your news. I've missed you!!!
I just noticed your new wallpaper - nice! It looks like your blog is under nesting influence! xx
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