Sorry it has been so long. I seem to be saying that a lot recently… At least when I start my maternity leave I’ll have a bit more spare time (until the Bunkey makes an appearance).
I was going to come on here and moan about the long commute to my new office and how awful it is but then I thought about it and realised that really it isn’t all bad. It does take a long time but I’m getting lots of exercise and seeing sights on the way that tourists travel hundreds/thousands of miles to see (it looks like a postcard doesn’t it?). Plus I get to walk past a waffle stall. Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm I love the smell of waffles.
So no complaints from me today, and tomorrow I’ve promised myself an afternoon of catching up on everyone’s blogs and I won’t feel guilty about not doing housework instead.
Something exciting happened this week. Lyndsey sent me a link to her finished Celtic Knot Stole. I love the pale pink she used. It is so nice to see one of my designs knitted up by someone else, especially when they have done such a beautiful job of it.
Another exciting bit of news it that I managed to persuade my Mum to come to the Knitting and Stitching show with me at Ally Pally. We’ll probably go on the Sunday I think. Anyone else likely to be there?
I was going to come on here and moan about the long commute to my new office and how awful it is but then I thought about it and realised that really it isn’t all bad. It does take a long time but I’m getting lots of exercise and seeing sights on the way that tourists travel hundreds/thousands of miles to see (it looks like a postcard doesn’t it?). Plus I get to walk past a waffle stall. Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm I love the smell of waffles.
So no complaints from me today, and tomorrow I’ve promised myself an afternoon of catching up on everyone’s blogs and I won’t feel guilty about not doing housework instead.
Something exciting happened this week. Lyndsey sent me a link to her finished Celtic Knot Stole. I love the pale pink she used. It is so nice to see one of my designs knitted up by someone else, especially when they have done such a beautiful job of it.
Another exciting bit of news it that I managed to persuade my Mum to come to the Knitting and Stitching show with me at Ally Pally. We’ll probably go on the Sunday I think. Anyone else likely to be there?
Nice to hear you are okay - and seeing the sights of London - always harder to appreciate these things on the way to work though. No AP for me - too much yarn already in stock to knit! Tell me all about your trip though so I can feel like I went :)
Enjoy your trip to AP. Every year I mean to go and something always crops up and I end up not going!
You see this view on your way to work? I'm jealous!... *^v^*
It's great to hear/read? from you - I've been checking in to see how you and the Bunkey are doing! And the commute photo is so pretty. I would get large on waffles if I had that commute - but I'd probably be in better shape with all the walking!
Lovely to have you back in blogland with us again! Travelling to work seems to have 'that' effect on most of us at least some of the time. But I can promise your view is a lot more attractive than my daily trek along the A470 between Cardiff and Merthyr Tydfil;) Isn't the stole just beautiful and I love the pattern!
What a lovely view on the way to work. I only walk for 5 minutes and it's very dissapointing.
Have fun at the knitting and stitching show!
oh and I meant to say...Good to see you again!
Glad you're enjoying your journey to work, at least some of the time. I've always thought that one of the big perks of living in south London was that you're always crossing the river.
What a beautiful view! We never appreciate the things under our own noses,do we!
Hope you are keeping well and enjoy AP, look forward to seeing your aquisitions!!
What a beautiful way to get to work. Glad to see you're still around and doing ok.
Some walks to work are better then others...that looks like a lovely one...have a waffle for me! I'm going to Alley Palley...but on Sat. Oh well.. you will enjoy the show I'm sure! We will have to compare notes!
Nice to hear from you! Travelling to work in London is more often then not hard, my husband does it all the time so I know how bad it can get.
Come and see me at AP I'll be in the same spot as last year with lots of new products.
Nice to hear that things are ok and you're well. Lovely view.
Just wanted to say two things...
1. Keep up the walking it really helps.
2. You will still be busy during your maternity leave (visit my blog and see)
3. (I cheated) When baby comes along you definitely will not have time for a while. I have only just re-started my knitting (and still struggling to knit, recently). It’s not to depress you, just to help you prepare.
Good luck with it all.
I hope you enjoyed the show and time with your mom. You do have a beautiful view, and I do have to travel thousands of miles over a large body of water to see it (but it's worth it).
Thank you Kendra, i hope my nan loves it too! I'll be giving it to here today so fingers crossed. :)
What a great view for a morning commute! I don't envy you having to work your way through London though - far too busy for me! I'm sure you'll enjoy your trip to AP - looking forward to reading your report!
Hope you and Bunky are comfy in these autumnal days!
HA Ha Ha! Did I hear you say that "when I start my maternity leave I'll have a bit more spare time"...? At least you recognise that it all goes to pot when bunkey arrives - I remember DH getting in from work and asking me how my day went: "well, I got up. Had a shower"!
Have fun at Ally Pally!
Hi - haven't seen you for a while just checking all is OK.
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