In Knots

This is a progress picture of the Celtic Knot Stole. It might not look like much but if you knew the number of times I have frogged, redesigned, and re-knitted this over the past week you would understand my joy at being safely on my way - I'll hurry up and finish the pattern repeat so you can see what it is actually going to look like. Besides, my faith in the blocking process has increased dramatically,so I‘m not too worried that it isn‘t looking that great right now. I’m so addicted to seeing the beautiful transformation that sometimes I haunt lace knitters’ blogs waiting for that final photo!

By the way you might notice the un-ironed sheet in the photograph and I am hanging my head (if only slightly) in shame. My Mum is one of these incredible women who even when working full time managed to iron everything (even the tea towels). I will never be able to do this - I find it hard enough to stay on top of the other housework. So tea towels and duvet covers rest easy - I will not iron you.

The Kim Hargreaves’ top (Hawthorn) is coming on well. I’m using it as my on-the-train knitting and I’ve almost finished the back. I’ve also ordered the wool to make a pair of Eunny’s Endpaper mitts. This will be a real challenge for me as I’ve only ever knitted big blocks of colour before. But I’ve been seeing so much amazing colour knitting going on that I couldn’t resist trying some myself.

I'm going to make an effort to post on this blog once a week from now on. I keep letting the days slip by.


Artis-Anne said...

That stole is really pretty . I am looking forward to doing more lace work but can only do it in daylight !!and yes I do at times more frogging than knitting with lace ; I think that is why its so satisfying when we get it right !!
Love that Kim Hargreaves top & look forward to seeing it finished

Seahorse said...

Wow! The stole is beautiful! Can't wait to see more :)

nat said...

The stole looks great so far. :) I can imagine the amount of work it takes to design your own - I think it's great that you do. :)

acrylik said...

Your stole is looking gorgeous - can't wait to see how it progresses.

Brahdelt said...

The stole looks interesting, keep going, girl, and show us more! *^v^*
And don't worry about the ironing - I hate it myself and I hardly ever do it! ^^

Hellbelle said...

Your stole is looking amazing!

And I'm sorry, but ironing sheets and tea towels is just wrong ;)

Kath said...

I can't wait to see the finished stole, I too love the magic of blocking and before and after shots are just great!
I quite agree about ironing tea towels but do admit I like freshly ironed sheets - just a shame mine aren't ironed that often! LOL!!

I? said...

Oh, don't I know what you mean by "days slipping by"? The stole looks great. It's good to hear that you're "out of the woods" with it...

Sarah said...

Congratulations on the stole, it does look much!

Alice said...

All those tiny stitches on the stole - it would take me forever, but I bet it will be stunning. I am trying not to be envious of your skill in designing these beautiful objects and am just taking huge amounts of inspiration from you!

Anonymous said...

I love it, I have a thing for celtic knots. It looks fantastic on a knitted fabric!

José said...

Awsome, awsome, awsome! I sympathys with the torment and all i'm doing is normal knitting, not posh impressive stuff like you ... but i can dream :)

Unknown said...

The stole is looking good, even without blocking. My sis-n-law irons everything...and I just don't see the point. I mean socks, underwear and towels just don't look any different when they have been ironed then before!

Anonymous said...

Your stole looks great so far! It must be frustrating to keep frogging and re-knitting, but in the end, it is all worth it. That's what I'm telling myself anyway. I hope to finish knitting mine this week.

dreamcatcher said...

The stole looks superb so far, definitely look forward to seeing the finished blocked result :-)

Ang said...

The stole looks brilliant I love celtic for the ironing, I never do it either!

Frankie said...

I love the colour of the stole - Can't wait to see the finished job. Your work is so delicate.

Badger said...

The stole is looking very classy, I'm looking forward to seeing how it progresses.

And I iron nothing, nothing I tell you! Life's too short for housework ;)