Anyone smell burning?

Print o'the WavesNot much knitting news I’m afraid. My needles have been clicking away a like ticker tape experiment in a secondary school lab but the knitting looks much the same just longer.

However, I thought I’d do a quick post about knitting pod casts! I have to thank Carrie Anne of Brit Knit Cast and Acrylik Yarn for this new interest. She recently started this pod cast which I came across through her normal blog and really enjoyed. Her last cast was from a felting workshop and was really interesting - you really felt like you were there. Since then I’ve been listening to quite a few pod casts and another favourite is KnitCast, the last episode had an interview with Amy Singer from Knitty. I think I like listening to the pod casts because it is like reading a blog but you can do it while you’re knitting!

It was World Wide Knitting in Public Day yesterday, I’m pretty fine with knitting in public as I knit everyday on the train but in celebration of the day I did some knitting in the queue at Sainsburys…

On a non-knitting note I’d like to encourage everyone to make a pledge for World Environment Day, which was on the 5 June. I have pledged to use reusable shopping bags!

Yesterday, as the weather was so nice, Clever Monkey and I had our first ever BBQ. I mean first ever BBQ that we were in charge of. We bought one of those disposable ones and had veggie sausages and vegetable kebabs. Yum yum! However, there was a small snag. Do you ever feel like you are just kids playing at keeping house? Sometimes I do. Is there going to be a moment of revelation at some point when Monkey and I will know exactly what to do and our home will start to resemble one of those pictures in the Laura Ashley catalogue? I mean you would think that most people would realise that a disposable BBQ will, if out directly on grass, burn a big hole in the communal lawn. Monkey and I know this too now and we can prove it. Whoops! We have covered it with handfuls of grass in the hope that our fellow residents don’t notice. I hope it isn’t windy today!
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acrylik said...

What beautiful lace! I am in awe!

Thanks for the lovely comments about the podcast - I'm gearing up for my next cast, which should be recorded some time next weekend. There are so many other fantastic podcasts out there - it's always wonderful to sit and knit and listen to others who have enthusiasm for our craft.

Alice said...

Listen Nick and I still feel like we're playing at "pretend mummies and daddies" and we've had Charles for 2 and a half years now. Sometimes we wonder where he came from! Perhaps we are all just young at heart (oh but you are only a whippersnapper anyway!).

I will try the podcasts - thanks.
And the stole really looks neat. What were you knitting in Sainsbury's - surely not the lace? And knitting at Sainsbury's - I'm all for knitting in public, but that's quite eccentric, isn't it? Yeah, brill!

Unknown said...

I am totally addicted to podcast! I now wish I had listened to my bro-in-law and bought my Iriver with more memory! I've slowly been taking off music so that I can have more casts on! Go to and search by Knitting. You won't believe the amount that come up! Cast-on is one of my favs, Pixie Purls and Ponty sticks...Knitcentric also...etc etc....I need to do something on my weblog about them! I love Acryliks too! Glad she is going to do another cast soon!

Unknown said...

Oh...and about the feeling like grown-ups thing....never do it! It is much more fun for my hubby and I to feel like children still! Anyway, if you are as hot and dry as we are in Southampton, UK...the grass is all dying anyway!

dreamcatcher said...

The lace is looking wonderful. And I too will be in complete awe if you managed to knit it at Sainsbury's!

Anonymous said...

Looks fabulous!

José said...

I feel just the same, I keep waiting for 1 day when i'll wake up and feel like a real grown-up (secretly though, i'm still desperatly trying not too!) ;)

Sarah said...

I know the knitting in Sainburys is a bit strange but I wanted to enter the Posh Yarn competition and that was the only place I went to that counted as 'in public' on Saturday! I don't think I will win though as the picture is terrible. I look like a yeti, at least it gave me an incentive to book a hair cut!

Anonymous said...


I like your blog - it is nice! You knit, you live with a pet monkey, you make fires and burn hole in lawn!

In my country it is compulsory to for lady to make fire. She must you birch stick though, not modern barbiequeue which is not available in Kahzakstani Aldi. You can by knitting needle there, and yak wool - you knit with yak wool? You like? I like - it is nice!

I have pod casting too - you like to listen? I talk to Kahzaksatni Lord about the knitting, the wool, hunting and dancing dogs. Only way Lord get dog to dance is by put them on hot floor. Then they must, how you say? Jig! otherwise they burn paw - we must laugh at it, even if we feel sorry, otherwise Kahzakstani Lord will shoot person - he cruel man and proud of history of dog dancing.

I must go - my wife, she ask for me to build house. She is lazy - in my country this seen as her job - i must only hunt bear and ride horse like real man.

Click click knitty knit! It is good!

What is Sainsburys? Is where Queen goes to buy soap?

Anonymous said...

Whoever keeps leaving those comments based on Borat must be an idiot, or bored, or just mad.

Ali G would have been a better choice.

Or Kermit the frog.