Merry Berry in the Sand

I'm back. I just couldn't get used to Wordpress and the result was no blogging so here I am dreaming of the sea again. I'm bring across some of the posts from my Wordpress blog. This post will fill you in on my family now.

To start our adventures, here is a summary of key characters:

Me: (I just asked my husband how he would describe me and he said 'deranged zoo-keeper', I think I might have to write this myself). I previously worked in finance but for the last 3 years I've been a full-time Mum. I spend any spare moment I have making things (sewing, baking, knitting, drawing, turning cardboard boxes into the requested object of the latest pre-school whim - actually I spend most of my time on the cardboard box thing). On this blog I'll probably give you the impression I live in quiet tidy rooms with gentle music playing in the background. In reality I sometimes forget what colour the carpet really is under the toys and cbeebies theme tunes haunts me as I drift off to sleep.

The Little Panda - 3 years old and already a gentle giant. Clever and shy, he obsesses over maps, aeroplanes and under-sea creatures. He pretty much always wakes up singing.

Merry Berry - 18 months old. A determined, NOISY, child. Happy and energetic. Independent but loving. If only she would sleep.

Monkey - My wonderful husband. Captain of our small crew and ridiculously adored by the children. Clever, charming and infinitely patient (luckily).

Well, that's all of us. Let the adventures begin...

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